Monday, March 30, 2009

P90X - Day 79 - PLY-O-MET-RIXXXX Done!

Well, for the first round anyway! MAN did we ever BRING IT tonight! I guess it was because it was the "last" night for a while, that we'd be doing this workout...who knows. Anyway, had to call our latest recruit, Dr. Rob, and warn him about this one...Don't worry Rob: you get used to not being able to feel your legs! :O) (I'm kidding....sort of).

OK, so now I have to get to sleep fast (which shouldn't be a problem) because I have our men's group and Nehemiah chapter 11, at 6:30 in the morning. It's amazing how God can drag all of us guys up at such an early hour to study His Word! Praise God for that!!

Good night all...


  1. Woo hoo guys!! Put that one in the books and congrats on surviving! You and Alana are awesome and have kept me and Jeremy in check during this whole thing. Thanks for being such an inspiration!! Hope you got some good things at your mens group this morning!

  2. Great work! Plyo...."CHECK"!!!

    Hope the Men's group went well! Nehemiah is a great study.

  3. I can't believe it's almost the last week for you already!!! I think you are all awesome for doing the program with your spouses... I can't wait until I do the same with mine!!!

  4. Thanks MissResa...your day is coming! :O)
