Monday, March 2, 2009

P90X - Day 57 - Plyometrics

Sweaty!!!! Continuing to melt away the flab covering up my abs (that's how I like to think of 'sweat' these days!). I think I did better than I have ever done with this workout before! I don't have a whole lot more to say on this today...guess I'm running out of stuff to blab about!! 60 day pics are coming shortly, so hopefully that'll re-ignite my chattiness!

Supposed to have a 'rest day' today, but I feel like I should do some Cardio X, or maybe Stretch X or something. We'll see how I feel when I get home tonight! Alana will definitely be taking a break today, as she's working a 12 hour shift at the hospital, then getting up in the morning to do it all again. We had a lat night last night, so I think she needs the rest!

The dinner last night was a lot of fun. Although today I feel guilty about eating ALL of that food! Not that it was all bad for us, but it was a lot! The wine on the other hand? (Mental note: probably not a good idea!)

Guess I had a bit more to chat about than I thought! Shutting up now! :O)


  1. Rest Day??? You're schedule has me confused now. Today is Arms & Shoulders right? Dude! :D I don't think I can sweat any more...I'm really considering just laying the rest of my belly in an old cast iron frying pan and melting it away!

  2. Well...Saturday was supposed to be our rest day for 'last week', but we (Alana) wanted to take a rest day on Monday instead. Sooo, we started Phase III Saturday, instead of Sunday. NOW we're taking the rest day...well, she is. I think I'm gonna try and melt away a bit more with some Cardio tonight. Tomorrow will be my day '59': Shoulders and with me now? :O)
