Friday, March 20, 2009

P90X - Day 68 - Legs and Back, and AbRipperX

I hate the leg workout. Did it, but hate it. I don't even like it a little! Hate it. that that point has been made...

I really try to "bring it" for these workouts (legs), but the intensity never seems to find me. Alana on the other hand is a monster on the legs workout. The back portion of this workout however: I think I did more "no chair" pull ups than I've ever done! And not just by a few!! My back was feeling great last night for this workout!!

I'm just about hitting all the ab reps that they do in the DVD. Still having trouble with the Pfifer scissors, and the oblique v-ups. I'll get there.

The fat seems to just be melting away on a daily basis, which feels GREAT!! I'm down to 189 to 192, at any given point during the day. I haven't been this fit since the Army!! Off to kick some Kenpo but tonight, the watching The Punisher: War Zone, with a couple of buddies....What guy could resist a movie with a title like that??? :O)

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear you're back on track completely. I too hate legs. Except for the calf do like. After legs my butt and at least one of my hamstrings hurts for days. ugh! Hard to kick the crap out of the air with a sore hammy.

    Upper 180's....great job! I keep getting on the scale with a weird feeling that its all going to come back with the 2XX showing up....Noooooooo.
