Friday, March 6, 2009

P90X - Day 61 - Legs, Back & AbRipperX

Only one word can describe last nights workout for me: "BONK"!!!!!

Yuk! I don't know if I had mentally psyched myself out for this workout, or what. But it stunk (...and not just because of the fiber bar I ate earlier in the day!)....Every exercise was less than what I had previously done (not by much...but none the less...). Meanwhile, Alana was keeping up with the 'kids' in the DVD! I'm very proud of her for doing so well (i.e. better than me!). I'm quite content with my two little nine irons sticking out of my shorts...I think that's part of my problem: complacency! Oh well...did my best and now it's time to "forget the rest"!

On to KenpoX Tonight!!! WOOO_HOO!!!! :O)


  1. Ummmmmm.....what was "sticking out of your pants"????

  2. When you've grown up having "skinny little legs" all your life, you hear ALL the jokes. 9 irons? Golf clubs? That's what my legs look like! :O)
