Thursday, March 5, 2009

P90X - Day 60 - Cardio X

OK. In celebration of day 60!!! We did the Cardio X workout. This time Alana joined me for the workout. Man she's good at this workout! I have to say, during the Kenpo portion, it really made me miss KenpoX! When do we do that again?? During the Plyo portion: yup. Goin' air born!! I'm actually looking forward to the next Plyo workout as well! Did I just say that??

Took the 60 day pics. At first glance, I'm not as impressed as I thought I'd be. I haven't actually done the comparisons yet, just took a quick glance at the photos. Maybe I'll post 'em...I'll have to see...

Only 30 days left!! :O)


  1. Great stuff...congrats on the milestone! Did you throw in the Yoga Belly 7?

  2. 60 days!!! Awesome! It feels good to be in the home stretch don't you think? We took pics too but I don't think you'll be seeing mine! Ya'll will just have to take my word for it! :) You might see some of Jeremy's... he's braver than I am. Keep it up kids!
