Friday, February 27, 2009

P90X - Day 54 - Core Synergistics

Oh yeah.

Intensity?? : FOUND IT!
Sweat?? : LOST IT!
Belly?? : HAD to have lost MORE of it last night!!
Puke??: Sorry Jeremy. Not yet. But close! :O)

WOW! What a workout!! Alana and I seemed to "bring it" more that usual last night. I think both of us are trying to prepare for the weekend. We have two big "get togethers" this weekend. One Saturday night (Spaghetti and wine), and one Sunday night (7 course dinner, with a different wine served with each course!!). The Sunday night gig is actually for Alana's birthday. The owner of some "fancy shmancy" restaurant here in Denver, is actually closing the store just for us and about 5 other couples! Should be a lot of fun, although I'm a little worried about how many calories are in wine!! I'll have to look it up. Don't think I'll be drinking as much as everyone else, as Alana and I are both NOT very good drinkers (which I guess is a good thing!). Not to mention, I don't want to kill any progress I've made so far! 60 day pics are coming soon!! I'm hoping to be able to actually post them this time!

Branson's: I hope the "kick off" service goes well for you guys! Prayers going up!!


  1. Good stuff....Happy Birthday Alana!

    Kick off service was AMAZING! God is soooo good! I can't wait until we begin to reap the harvest that awaits!

  2. Happy Birthday Alana! I'm so jealous! Your party sounds AWESOME!!!

    Our dedication service was wonderful. God's goodness is so amazing. I can't wait to see what He has in store for us next! Be blessed ya'll!

  3. Thanks guys! Christina? What happened to your blog? I tried to catch up the other day, and it wasn't there anymore...
