Monday, February 23, 2009

P90X - Day 50 - Core Synergistics

Oh yeah....this is a good one! Having just done Cardio X last night, a lot of the moves were repetitive, but we didn't care. We sweat through the whole thing tonight! I keep thinking to myself, this is the week for the body to change again...I keep visualizing those 60 day pictures, and what I want them to look like. And the only way to come close to those visualizations?? BRING IT ALL WEEK!!! I'm getting better with the "superman". I remember the first time I tried, I don't think my arms would ever come off the ground! I do have a question though...ummmm...guys doing the "bow" (before "boat")....ummmm, how do I say this...doesn't it kinda hurt, know where??? Ouch! Kinda takes away from the exercise a, if anyone has any suggestions.....

Bransons: Your church is definitely on my prayer list (along with you guys). God bless you guys for all of the hard work you put in towards building up His Kingdom!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks man...

    As far as Bow to Boat...I do more of a Superman to Boat...pushing out with my feet to raise myself up puts some very wierd pressure on my thanks.
