Thursday, February 12, 2009

P90X - Sick Day (grrrr)

OK. I'm sick. Ran a temp of 102 through most of the night. Did not get the Cardio X workout in last night (grrrrr). Not feeling in the best of spirits right now. I'm not thinking at this point I'll get tonight's workout in either! Alana is being very supportive. She knows how upset I am, after putting in all of this hard work with the P90X program, now to have this set back...(grrrrr). And doctors?? I sometimes (more often than not) wonder why they make so much it just so that they can pay back all of the loans for school?? Don't get me wrong. I like my doctor. But the diagnosis? Possibly the Flu. Or, possibly bronchitis. So, I'm on meds for everything! As for the shoulder, she did confirm a possible torn rotator cuff. She said since the pain seems to come and go at different months, it may not be torn all the way! Maybe. Possibly.

Anyway. Alana plans to do the Cardio X tonight. We'll see how I feel. Jeremy...I'm now using your prayer of healing for myself. After all, what do we need doc's for when we have the ultimate Healer in Christ Jesus!


  1. Amen brother. Get well buddy...hammer back the meds and keep the prayers up. God bless ya buddy.

  2. So sorry you're sick! Prayers are definitely coming your way... and Alana, how are you holding up?? Maybe this little break will help your shoulder heal up!
