Friday, April 24, 2009

P90X - Round 2, Day 5 - Legs, Back and ARX

Today I give you a lesson in listening to your body. "LISTEN TO YOUR BODY PEOPLE!". Last night, I didn't. I really wasn't in the mood for working out last night. I was VERY tired for some reason, and just wanted to crawl into bed. I've been fighting a 'scratchy' throat (nothing serious yet), and loading up with some vitamin C, to try and avoid a cold. While we were working out, my intensity was somewhere around 10% maybe, and I was still griping about my knees hurting, I was sore...blah, blah, blah. Then, we went downstairs for the very last set of 'switch grip pull ups', which I banged out 3, yes...t-h-r-e-e (with a chair no doubt!), and as I lifted my foot to the first stair to come back up, I nearly fell over in pain. SERIOUS pain! I was nearly in tears. I felt a sort of tightening in my neck for a second or two, then BAM, my hand was on my neck so fast I didn't know what had happened. I'm describing a pinched nerve. I've had them before. Even in this same area of my neck, but never to the extent of this one. Alana was even considering taking me to the hospital, seeing the pain I was in. Even as I type this the next morning, I'm still hurting! I know there isn't anything I can do or take for it. I've been to Chiropractors, doctors and massage therapists before for this, to no avail. I know I have to just 'ride it out'. I think my body was trying to tell me to just take it easy last night, but I wouldn't listen. "LISTEN TO YOUR BODY PEOPLE!". The workouts will be there waiting for you when your ready. Don't feel bad about taking a day off when you need it. If you don't, you'll run the risk of having to take, maybe more thank a day off!


  1. Hope you feel better, take it easy.

    Sometimes on those bad days I'll do half the workout. Like the guidebook says, studies show you get 80% of the effectiveness of your workout from the first set of every exercise.

  2. Goodness... it sounds like you had an eventful evening last night! You and Jeremy have been talking to much because he is in bed right now with a sore throat. I guess you're passing it through the phone ha! Take it easy buddy :)
