Saturday, April 11, 2009

P90X - Day 90 - Cardio X!

Thought I was gonna say "Yoga" didn't ya??? :O)

Nope. I had all intentions of doing yoga today, but after talking with Jeremy, and Alana really not wanting to workout for and hour and a half, we decided to go out with Cardio! I was "bringing it" more than ever!!! The guilt from the bad food choices kept popping into my head, making me push even that much harder!! It was awesome!!! I'm pretty sure I sweat out everything I put in yesterday!

While it feels great to be done with these 90 days, I feel a bit sad that I won't be working out tomorrow. Or the next day, or the next day, or the next day....Can I really do this??? I guess time will tell. I'm already thinking about the next 90 days!!

Guess we'll be taking the 90 day pics before too long. I'll be sure and get everything posted. Along with the post test results and measurements. I hope the results are as impressive as the Branson's, who have kept me going through this whole thing! If you're reading this, and you're new here, check 'em out over at:


...these guys are awesome. They have provided me with encouragement both physically and spiritually. Great, great people. "Thanks" guys! :O)

Well, that was my Oprah moment for the day! Off to shower now, cuz' I stink! HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!! DAY 90!! WOO-HOO!!!!!!


  1. HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a huge, huge milestone. You guys deserve a break, especially fighting through the winter illnesses that you have. Wow!!!! Awesome, awesome work! Be Proud!

    Thank you so much for the compliments! What a blessing to have such a tight circle of Godly Family sharing such a huge commonality!

    Please give Alana a high 5 from Christina and I. Looking forward to the result pics and such!

  2. Congratulations! What a huge accomplishment!

  3. I can't even begin to tell you how proud of ya'll I am!!!! WAY TO GO!! You've worked so hard and you have been a HUGE inspiration to us. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    We love how we've come to know you over the past few weeks and we can't wait to see where God leads our friendship.

    Can't wait to see your results info. I'm sure you will need to be the STAR in he next infomercial!! Ya'll take a much needed rest and let your bodies recover. You'll be rarin' to go again in no time!!

    Congrats again and many blessings to you, Alana, & your precious kids!
