Wednesday, April 8, 2009

P90X - Day 87 - Kenpo X

Hmmmm.....seems like we just did this workout! Yet...I feel like the intensity is getting higher and higher!! Awesome workout last night! Alana and I were both saying, how when we bend to the side, our sides feel like ROCKS! No flexing of the abs or anything....just tight, tight, TIGHT! What an amazing feeling, since I'm so used to feeling those soft love handles, for sooooo many years! YES! Just 2 more days to go until graduation. TWO MORE DAYS! Who'd a thunk it? We are actually gonna see this thing through....

Well, gotta get caught up with everyone else's blogs today. Have a GREAT day all! :O)

1 comment:

  1. Whoooohoooo!!!! 2 More days and then? :)

    Glad you guys are about to finish this together...Its sooo awesome for your marriage to have things like this to look back on and share!

    Great work!
