Tuesday, April 21, 2009

P90X - Round 2, Day 2 - Plyometrics

I've forgotten how much I dislike Tony. "You can do anything 30 seconds...15 tiny little seconds seconds....9 tiny little seconds..." blah, blah, blah. Is he for real??...all I could say after this was "OUCH"!

I'm back to my whining stage. Can ya tell? :O) When all was said and done, I sweat more than the entire previous 90 days! I looked in my sweat bucket (imaginary guys! That'd just be gross!), and I saw a bag of jelly beans, 5 or 6 pieces of pizza, 2 pieces of cake, 4 beers, about a half dozen chocolate "crunch" eggs, and a few marsh mellow 'peeps'!! ....guess that took care of my "rest" week!

Back to my opening statement: YES. P90X is for real! Despite the whining, the pain, and the annoying "Tony-isms"....It WORKS! For anyone just starting out, thinking I can't do this, or this is just too hard, stick with it, eat clean and join a chat room or start a blog, or better yet, sign up for a free BeachBody account here, and get yourself involved. Decide. Commit. Succeed.

Oh and by the way...I feel GREAT this morning! :O)


  1. "Beers and Peeps" in the same description of stuff consumed....ugh!.....UGH!

    I'm so glad you guys are back in....you gotta try Intervals!

  2. Great post!! Honest and motivating. If I weren't already a coach, I'd sign up under you!!! Glad you're hitting it hard again!
