Thursday, April 30, 2009
P90X - Round 2, Day 12 - Legs, back and ARX
Well, I plowed through this workout, not really feeling the intensity, but definitely feeling the burn! My reps/weight aren't showing much improvement with this workout (mostly in the 'legs' area). I think I'm unintentionally not getting the reps with the pull ups, due to the pinched nerve from last week! Gotta get over that!! ALSO, the biggest de-motivator tonight, was the fact that Alana worked a late shift tonight. So she wasn't here to give me that competition that I need to push myself during this workout...or well. Did my best. Forgetting the rest! Goodnight all...
The Voca People
OK. I just HAD to post this for you guys. My son, Adam, wanted me to see this. His music teacher showed it to the class today...very cool!
P90X - Round 2, Day 11 - Cardio X
Taking a break from Yoga (I know! Hard to believe, huh?)...we did the cardio X workout last night. I have to admit, I wasn't that all into the workout last night, then the Kenpo part of the workout kicked (pun intended!) in!! That brought me up to speed! The sweat started pouring then!! NICE! Turned out to be a great workout after all! All ya gotta do is "push play"!!
THEN (confession time!): I went with a friend of mine to see a late movie. He really has been having some troubles hit him, and just needed to get out, pray, talk....anyway, we went to see "Observe and Report". Very crude, rude, offensive...we laughed our arses off!! :O) AND...(here's another confession!), I ate an entire bag (small!) of popcorn WITH butter!! I know, I know...just no one tell Tony, OK?? :O)
THEN (confession time!): I went with a friend of mine to see a late movie. He really has been having some troubles hit him, and just needed to get out, pray, talk....anyway, we went to see "Observe and Report". Very crude, rude, offensive...we laughed our arses off!! :O) AND...(here's another confession!), I ate an entire bag (small!) of popcorn WITH butter!! I know, I know...just no one tell Tony, OK?? :O)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
P90X - Round 2, Day 10 - Shoulders, Arms and ARX
I love this workout! My arms feel like lead weights afterwards, but my biceps and triceps feel like SOLID rocks! Alana wasn't feeling the best, but still did an awesome workout! Kudos to her!! In fact, when she plays around, punching me in the arms, it actually hurts a little now. Of course, when you hit a ROCK..... :O)
It's funny how while Alana and I are working out, one of the strong motivating factors, is our P90X Recovery Drink! If you haven't tried it yet, stop procrastinating. Get it! You won't regret it!
It's funny how while Alana and I are working out, one of the strong motivating factors, is our P90X Recovery Drink! If you haven't tried it yet, stop procrastinating. Get it! You won't regret it!
beachbody coach,
P90X Recovery Drink,
Monday, April 27, 2009
P90X - Round 2, Day 9 - Plyometrics
Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...march a little bit...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump...Squat, jump... case anyone was wondering just what Plyometrics involves....
Goodnight. case anyone was wondering just what Plyometrics involves....
Sunday, April 26, 2009
P90X - Round 2, Day 8 - Chest, Back and ARX
With the boys continuing their assault on my neck (probably more in the hunt for some kind of reward, rather than out of love for their father), I think the healing is pretty much complete. I decided to rid my body of the Alieve that I've been taking all weekend, and sweat off some goo! Kind of. I did take it pretty easy during the workout. I was a bit afraid of what the pull ups would feel like. But all in all, it was a good workout. I feel much better, and that I'll be more than ready to bring it tomorrow for Plyo! Been a long weekend, and I'm off to bed now...good night all!
Oh and by the way: Yes. I did in fact reward the boys for their hard work (literally) on my neck! I bought them both a gift tonight while they were at Awana's and gave it to them before bed. Along with my sincere appreciation for what they did for me.
OK. All together now: Awwwwwwww
Oh and by the way: Yes. I did in fact reward the boys for their hard work (literally) on my neck! I bought them both a gift tonight while they were at Awana's and gave it to them before bed. Along with my sincere appreciation for what they did for me.
OK. All together now: Awwwwwwww
P90X - Round 2, Day 7 - MORE Rest!
OK, OK! I get the hint!! I'll rest a bit more! Geeemeeney! I'll admit, it was probably the worst pinched nerve I've ever had, but I have to say, I think it also has healed faster than any other time that I've ever gotten these...could it be that I'm actually fit??...Adam and Noah, my 2 boys, have been absolute Angels in my healing process!! Both of the have rubbed my neck on many occasions these past couple of days (and do a pretty good job I might add!), since Alana has had to work all weekend! Hey...come on, if the wife's not here to take care of me, well...isn't that what kids are for?? :O)
So I decided to listen to everyone, and not push it. I took off another day for rest and healing. I basically read ALL day! For anyone who's interested, I started reading a book called This Present Darkness by Frank E. Peretti. WHAT a book!! It's has to do with Spiritual Warfare that goes on around us every day, and how powerful a weapon prayer can be. A truly gripping evidenced by me basically not putting it down for 12 hours...or so.
Don't worry...even though I rested and basically did nothing, I still fed the kids. I think.
So I decided to listen to everyone, and not push it. I took off another day for rest and healing. I basically read ALL day! For anyone who's interested, I started reading a book called This Present Darkness by Frank E. Peretti. WHAT a book!! It's has to do with Spiritual Warfare that goes on around us every day, and how powerful a weapon prayer can be. A truly gripping evidenced by me basically not putting it down for 12 hours...or so.
Don't worry...even though I rested and basically did nothing, I still fed the kids. I think.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
P90X - Round 2, Day 6 - Rest
So having a pinched nerve in your neck is NOT FUN! I had to endure a grueling day at work today, driving down to Colorado Springs (an hour's drive), and seeing patients all day, while I moved around looking like a robot. It's now Saturday morning and I still can't turn my head from side to side (very well, anyway!) without it hurting. I haven't ventured out to get the Tiger Balm as everyone has suggested I do, so maybe today. I'm getting pretty tired of taking Alieve...although that does seem to help. It's cloudy and overcast today, so I may just hang out in my jammies all day and do nothing. Oh yeah...I have 3 kids...guess that won't happen. Jeremy, hope you're feeling better! Christina, take care of that boy! Not a whole lot to post today.
Friday, April 24, 2009
P90X - Round 2, Day 5 - Legs, Back and ARX
Today I give you a lesson in listening to your body. "LISTEN TO YOUR BODY PEOPLE!". Last night, I didn't. I really wasn't in the mood for working out last night. I was VERY tired for some reason, and just wanted to crawl into bed. I've been fighting a 'scratchy' throat (nothing serious yet), and loading up with some vitamin C, to try and avoid a cold. While we were working out, my intensity was somewhere around 10% maybe, and I was still griping about my knees hurting, I was sore...blah, blah, blah. Then, we went downstairs for the very last set of 'switch grip pull ups', which I banged out 3, yes...t-h-r-e-e (with a chair no doubt!), and as I lifted my foot to the first stair to come back up, I nearly fell over in pain. SERIOUS pain! I was nearly in tears. I felt a sort of tightening in my neck for a second or two, then BAM, my hand was on my neck so fast I didn't know what had happened. I'm describing a pinched nerve. I've had them before. Even in this same area of my neck, but never to the extent of this one. Alana was even considering taking me to the hospital, seeing the pain I was in. Even as I type this the next morning, I'm still hurting! I know there isn't anything I can do or take for it. I've been to Chiropractors, doctors and massage therapists before for this, to no avail. I know I have to just 'ride it out'. I think my body was trying to tell me to just take it easy last night, but I wouldn't listen. "LISTEN TO YOUR BODY PEOPLE!". The workouts will be there waiting for you when your ready. Don't feel bad about taking a day off when you need it. If you don't, you'll run the risk of having to take, maybe more thank a day off!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
P90X - Round 2, Day 4 - Yoga X
So Alana opted out of the workout last night (L-O-N-G night the night before for her). She was just too tired! So I had already made up my mind, and convinced myself that I'd be doing Yoga. So I pushed play at 9pm last night, getting off to a late start (for me). I found it wasn't quite as difficult as usual. hmmmmmm...and since Jeremy has convinced me to put a video together for the next infomercial, I even filmed a little (mainly to prove to everyone that yes, I actually do yoga!). Held the 'crane' pose for I don't know how many seconds (I'd have to check the video), but it felt great!
I think this weekend I'll try and piece together the video clips I have and get them sent in. I don't know if I'm brave enough to post it here, like Demi did on her blog (GREAT job, by the way!). We'll see...
Thought I'd pull a "Jeremy" here and fill you guys in on a bit from our Bible study this week. I've just been amazed with this:
1 Peter 1:1,2
1Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, 2who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance.
I thought, what does this mean? Does God really choose us, or do we chose to be A Christian. Have any of you thought this too? What is foreknowledge? What does Peter mean through the sanctifying work of the Spirit. So, here goes my attempt to understand.
Foreknowledge – Proginosko the Greek word for foreknowledge means to know beforehand. “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among the brethren.” (Romans 8:28-30)
By foresight, God saw the faith by which some would believe.
“Those whom God elected, He engaged in a conscious, loving relationship.” (Romans 8:28)
Elected – to pick out or choose. “He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world.” (Eph 1:4) This totally blows my mind that we were chosen, not because of merit, but simply due to grace, since I am so undeserving.
The big question that I had in a previous study, when we were reading Ephesians and discussing this subject was – Why me? Has anyone ever thought that before. Or, is it fair that I was elected and others weren’t. Maybe this will help: Paul said – "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:31) So not only are you predestined or elected, but you choose as well. Both are true.
Sanctification – To Sanctify means to set apart. God wants us to be separated from our sins and set apart for the Savior. God wants us to live holy lives, avoid sexual immorality and control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, and not wrong his brother. The Holy Spirit does this to us!
And this is just the first 2 verses!!!! :O)
I think this weekend I'll try and piece together the video clips I have and get them sent in. I don't know if I'm brave enough to post it here, like Demi did on her blog (GREAT job, by the way!). We'll see...
Thought I'd pull a "Jeremy" here and fill you guys in on a bit from our Bible study this week. I've just been amazed with this:
1 Peter 1:1,2
1Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, 2who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance.
I thought, what does this mean? Does God really choose us, or do we chose to be A Christian. Have any of you thought this too? What is foreknowledge? What does Peter mean through the sanctifying work of the Spirit. So, here goes my attempt to understand.
Foreknowledge – Proginosko the Greek word for foreknowledge means to know beforehand. “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among the brethren.” (Romans 8:28-30)
By foresight, God saw the faith by which some would believe.
“Those whom God elected, He engaged in a conscious, loving relationship.” (Romans 8:28)
Elected – to pick out or choose. “He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world.” (Eph 1:4) This totally blows my mind that we were chosen, not because of merit, but simply due to grace, since I am so undeserving.
The big question that I had in a previous study, when we were reading Ephesians and discussing this subject was – Why me? Has anyone ever thought that before. Or, is it fair that I was elected and others weren’t. Maybe this will help: Paul said – "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:31) So not only are you predestined or elected, but you choose as well. Both are true.
Sanctification – To Sanctify means to set apart. God wants us to be separated from our sins and set apart for the Savior. God wants us to live holy lives, avoid sexual immorality and control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, and not wrong his brother. The Holy Spirit does this to us!
And this is just the first 2 verses!!!! :O)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
P90X - Round 2, Day 3 - Shoulders and Arms, AbRipper X
MAN do I love working arms!! They feel like ROCKS half way through the workout, then, you get another half of the workout out to totally kill 'em!!! Love, love, love IT!
We had one of our friends over last night, who was actually trying to get his daughter to go to bed (long story...), anyway....he came downstairs just before we started the 'side-tri rise' exercise. Soooo, we told him to 'get on the floor' and do these with us. He started cranking them out like they were nothing! Then it dawned on me, he weighs about 100 lbs and he hadn't been working out for the past 40 minutes! Anyway...he was feeling pretty good, so he finished the workout with us, which was about another 10 minutes or so...I heard a few "grunts" from him, to go along with the strange looks on his face. Then came AbRipper. He wanted to do that too...I think he made it to the crunchy frogs (barely), then said, "you guys are crazy!"..."ouch!". That just spurred Alana and I to push even harder....gotta 'show off' ya know!
When we finished, we told him the first time we did this, we probably ended up watching more than actually working out. I think his interest is piqued! How about you??? :O)
We had one of our friends over last night, who was actually trying to get his daughter to go to bed (long story...), anyway....he came downstairs just before we started the 'side-tri rise' exercise. Soooo, we told him to 'get on the floor' and do these with us. He started cranking them out like they were nothing! Then it dawned on me, he weighs about 100 lbs and he hadn't been working out for the past 40 minutes! Anyway...he was feeling pretty good, so he finished the workout with us, which was about another 10 minutes or so...I heard a few "grunts" from him, to go along with the strange looks on his face. Then came AbRipper. He wanted to do that too...I think he made it to the crunchy frogs (barely), then said, "you guys are crazy!"..."ouch!". That just spurred Alana and I to push even harder....gotta 'show off' ya know!
When we finished, we told him the first time we did this, we probably ended up watching more than actually working out. I think his interest is piqued! How about you??? :O)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
P90X - Round 2, Day 2 - Plyometrics
I've forgotten how much I dislike Tony. "You can do anything 30 seconds...15 tiny little seconds seconds....9 tiny little seconds..." blah, blah, blah. Is he for real??...all I could say after this was "OUCH"!
I'm back to my whining stage. Can ya tell? :O) When all was said and done, I sweat more than the entire previous 90 days! I looked in my sweat bucket (imaginary guys! That'd just be gross!), and I saw a bag of jelly beans, 5 or 6 pieces of pizza, 2 pieces of cake, 4 beers, about a half dozen chocolate "crunch" eggs, and a few marsh mellow 'peeps'!! ....guess that took care of my "rest" week!
Back to my opening statement: YES. P90X is for real! Despite the whining, the pain, and the annoying "Tony-isms"....It WORKS! For anyone just starting out, thinking I can't do this, or this is just too hard, stick with it, eat clean and join a chat room or start a blog, or better yet, sign up for a free BeachBody account here, and get yourself involved. Decide. Commit. Succeed.
Oh and by the way...I feel GREAT this morning! :O)
I'm back to my whining stage. Can ya tell? :O) When all was said and done, I sweat more than the entire previous 90 days! I looked in my sweat bucket (imaginary guys! That'd just be gross!), and I saw a bag of jelly beans, 5 or 6 pieces of pizza, 2 pieces of cake, 4 beers, about a half dozen chocolate "crunch" eggs, and a few marsh mellow 'peeps'!! ....guess that took care of my "rest" week!
Back to my opening statement: YES. P90X is for real! Despite the whining, the pain, and the annoying "Tony-isms"....It WORKS! For anyone just starting out, thinking I can't do this, or this is just too hard, stick with it, eat clean and join a chat room or start a blog, or better yet, sign up for a free BeachBody account here, and get yourself involved. Decide. Commit. Succeed.
Oh and by the way...I feel GREAT this morning! :O)
Monday, April 20, 2009
P90X - Round 2, Day 1 - Chest, Back and AbRipper X
Well I took the meaning of "rest week" to a whole new level!! I didn't do JACK! Much less, post or keep a very clean diet! But I'm BACK! Oh, and by the way...OUCH!


WOW. I will NOT be taking a rest like that again! After we started round 2 yesterday, I could barely make it through the workout! I actually thought I was gonna puke!! Had the watery mouth and everything!! We had to take a break and do Abs later on in the evening!!! Now, I tell everyone this, to promote the P90X Recovery Drink! I put that drink to the test yesterday. I thought it was just a 'taste good, feel good' thing we did after all of the workouts. I'm telling you, after feeling like I did yesterday, then slamming the recovery drink afterwards...I felt GREAT!! No LIE!!! Like I said...I'm back!

I also had time to get my post P90X pictures done. We've somehow lost our measuring tape, so I haven't actually done measurements yet (OR my post test for that matter!!...REST WEEK!). I did take my body fat measurements (as accurate as the calipers can be, anyway!). So I started at 24.7% body fat, and after was at 9.6% body fat!!! WOO-HOO!'s the pics. Don't laugh!


Thursday, April 16, 2009
P90X - Motivation
Got my motivation call from BeachBody today...well, OK. From Jeremy (thanks buddy!). I actually felt pretty fired up! I had a super long day, driving all over the Springs today, and then a l-o-n-g drive home. In fact, I drove for so long today, I actually drove through all four seasons! It was sunny (at times), then it rained, sleeted, snowed, and at one point I drove through fog so thick I could barely see the front of the car! Now we're waiting to see if we are gonna get the 14"-20" that they're predicting on the weather!! However, it's Colorado, so we could just barely see a sprinkle...
I am soooooooooo ready to start round 2....but then again, who's stopping me??
I am soooooooooo ready to start round 2....but then again, who's stopping me??
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
P90X - Tween stage (Day 94)
Well...the "down time" from the workouts is killing me! I want to work out, but I've found myself making excuses, and just generally being lazy!! Am I falling back into my old ways so soon??? The nutrition has gotten pretty 'lax'. Generally feeling 'tired' again....whaz'up??!!
Alright, alright. We have been pretty busy for the past few days. Easter. Late work nights. Last night we went to see the UNITED tour with Michael W. Smith and Steven Curtis Chapman down in Colorado Springs. QUITE the concert. I'm not a big MWS fan, but he was pretty good last night. SCC on the other hand, was awesome! WHAT a testimony that guy has!! TOO much to say on here...or more like I'm too lazy to type everything out here! :O)
Anyway. I think we're going to get our "post" P90X test/measurements/pics done in the next couple of days, so I'll keep everyone posted. Please pray that my motivation gets back to where it should be!
Alright, alright. We have been pretty busy for the past few days. Easter. Late work nights. Last night we went to see the UNITED tour with Michael W. Smith and Steven Curtis Chapman down in Colorado Springs. QUITE the concert. I'm not a big MWS fan, but he was pretty good last night. SCC on the other hand, was awesome! WHAT a testimony that guy has!! TOO much to say on here...or more like I'm too lazy to type everything out here! :O)
Anyway. I think we're going to get our "post" P90X test/measurements/pics done in the next couple of days, so I'll keep everyone posted. Please pray that my motivation gets back to where it should be!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
P90X - Day 90 - Cardio X!
Thought I was gonna say "Yoga" didn't ya??? :O)
Nope. I had all intentions of doing yoga today, but after talking with Jeremy, and Alana really not wanting to workout for and hour and a half, we decided to go out with Cardio! I was "bringing it" more than ever!!! The guilt from the bad food choices kept popping into my head, making me push even that much harder!! It was awesome!!! I'm pretty sure I sweat out everything I put in yesterday!
While it feels great to be done with these 90 days, I feel a bit sad that I won't be working out tomorrow. Or the next day, or the next day, or the next day....Can I really do this??? I guess time will tell. I'm already thinking about the next 90 days!!
Guess we'll be taking the 90 day pics before too long. I'll be sure and get everything posted. Along with the post test results and measurements. I hope the results are as impressive as the Branson's, who have kept me going through this whole thing! If you're reading this, and you're new here, check 'em out over at:
...these guys are awesome. They have provided me with encouragement both physically and spiritually. Great, great people. "Thanks" guys! :O)
Well, that was my Oprah moment for the day! Off to shower now, cuz' I stink! HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!! DAY 90!! WOO-HOO!!!!!!
Nope. I had all intentions of doing yoga today, but after talking with Jeremy, and Alana really not wanting to workout for and hour and a half, we decided to go out with Cardio! I was "bringing it" more than ever!!! The guilt from the bad food choices kept popping into my head, making me push even that much harder!! It was awesome!!! I'm pretty sure I sweat out everything I put in yesterday!
While it feels great to be done with these 90 days, I feel a bit sad that I won't be working out tomorrow. Or the next day, or the next day, or the next day....Can I really do this??? I guess time will tell. I'm already thinking about the next 90 days!!
Guess we'll be taking the 90 day pics before too long. I'll be sure and get everything posted. Along with the post test results and measurements. I hope the results are as impressive as the Branson's, who have kept me going through this whole thing! If you're reading this, and you're new here, check 'em out over at:
...these guys are awesome. They have provided me with encouragement both physically and spiritually. Great, great people. "Thanks" guys! :O)
Well, that was my Oprah moment for the day! Off to shower now, cuz' I stink! HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!! DAY 90!! WOO-HOO!!!!!!
P90X - Day 89 - Rest X
Yeah. That's right, "REST X"! Alana had a well deserved "girls night out" last night. So we spent the night at our friends house last night. While me and the other hubby had all of the kids (still REST X!), we played XBOX all night log...literally. I will confess my sins (for eating) now. I had 2 beers, 3 pieces of pizza, and a candy bar last night! I know. I know. Hard to believe, isn't it? Oh well....last day-itus I guess....
On to the final day!
On to the final day!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
P90X - Day 88 - X Stretch
Ahhhhhhhhh....."All you have to do is breathe".....Although, I don't know how play dough girl Shawna stretches like she does. I don't think that girl has any bones!! Anyway, great stretch as usual. The shoulder stand to plough, is becoming quite easy now! I remember in some of my earlier posts, complaining about "dropping your knees beside your ears"...yeah, Alana and I both did that one last night: no problem! It's truly amazing to see what 90 days of this program will do for you! In fact, a LOT of my earlier posts were a whole bunch of whining and complaining out of me....
I can't wait to see my "post test" results! I started out with ONE pull up (I think??), and certainly wasn't very flexible! Core Synergistics tonight....
Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I have a pair of dress pants that I haven't worn in 4 years (YES! I've kept them that long! I'm a guy!!)...anyway, I grabbed them just on a whim yesterday morning, getting dressed for work....yeah, they're loose!!!! LOVIN' this P90X!!!!
I can't wait to see my "post test" results! I started out with ONE pull up (I think??), and certainly wasn't very flexible! Core Synergistics tonight....
Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I have a pair of dress pants that I haven't worn in 4 years (YES! I've kept them that long! I'm a guy!!)...anyway, I grabbed them just on a whim yesterday morning, getting dressed for work....yeah, they're loose!!!! LOVIN' this P90X!!!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
P90X - Day 87 - Kenpo X
Hmmmm.....seems like we just did this workout! Yet...I feel like the intensity is getting higher and higher!! Awesome workout last night! Alana and I were both saying, how when we bend to the side, our sides feel like ROCKS! No flexing of the abs or anything....just tight, tight, TIGHT! What an amazing feeling, since I'm so used to feeling those soft love handles, for sooooo many years! YES! Just 2 more days to go until graduation. TWO MORE DAYS! Who'd a thunk it? We are actually gonna see this thing through....
Well, gotta get caught up with everyone else's blogs today. Have a GREAT day all! :O)
Well, gotta get caught up with everyone else's blogs today. Have a GREAT day all! :O)
Monday, April 6, 2009
P90X - Day 86 - YogaX (yes.....YOGA!)
Well believe it or not, I did this hour and a half long workout, that I like the least of ALL the workouts, all by myself tonight.....and it was GREAT!
Yes. You heard me right, "GREAT". Still had to stop after Warrior 3 (can't do all that stand on one leg and split stuff'!), but then picked it right back up at the 'last vinyasa'. I think I had a real bring it attitude tonight because I needed the time by myself, to clear the mind. After a B-U-S-Y day at work today, the frustration of this week long ear infection with Kiera, the boys arguing all evening, and finally Noah (our 7 year old) driving us right to the 'breaking point', and entertaining guests in the house since last Friday, Alana and I both needed to "chill"...Alana has worked 12 hour shifts all weekend at the hospital, did another 1/2 day today, and has to go back in at 7am for another 12 tomorrow, so she opted out of the Yoga tonight. She deserves it! She's beat and needs her rest. I needed the yoga. BOY do I feel better now!
PS - Everyone remind me of how good this yoga made me feel tonight, because I know I have one more day of it before graduation! :O)
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. - Ephesians 6:4
Just had to remind myself of that again!
Yes. You heard me right, "GREAT". Still had to stop after Warrior 3 (can't do all that stand on one leg and split stuff'!), but then picked it right back up at the 'last vinyasa'. I think I had a real bring it attitude tonight because I needed the time by myself, to clear the mind. After a B-U-S-Y day at work today, the frustration of this week long ear infection with Kiera, the boys arguing all evening, and finally Noah (our 7 year old) driving us right to the 'breaking point', and entertaining guests in the house since last Friday, Alana and I both needed to "chill"...Alana has worked 12 hour shifts all weekend at the hospital, did another 1/2 day today, and has to go back in at 7am for another 12 tomorrow, so she opted out of the Yoga tonight. She deserves it! She's beat and needs her rest. I needed the yoga. BOY do I feel better now!
PS - Everyone remind me of how good this yoga made me feel tonight, because I know I have one more day of it before graduation! :O)
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. - Ephesians 6:4
Just had to remind myself of that again!
P90X - Day 85 - Core Synergistics
Day 1 of our final week...for round 1 that is! With Alana working a 12 hour shift at the hospital today, we had to switch up the days a bit. Instead of doing the Yoga, we did the Core Synergistics DVD. Man, how quickly you forget what an AWESOME workout this one is! At the end, Tony says " might find that this is your favorite workout"....hmmmm, seems like I keep finding favorite workouts!! We weren't real good about logging these workouts, so it was kind of hard to tell if we increased/decreased in reps/weight...bad....write it down people! I'm pretty sure we gave it our all though. With this being the last week, I'm very alert to "short-itus" (thanks Jeremy!). I want to focus on bringing more than I have over the past 84 days!! Which is gonna be a task in itself!
Dr. Rob informed me that he received his P90X in the mail over the weekend. I'm gonna try and get him hooked up with blogging, so we can all hold him accountable! Rob: get ready....cuz' it's coming! :O)
Dr. Rob informed me that he received his P90X in the mail over the weekend. I'm gonna try and get him hooked up with blogging, so we can all hold him accountable! Rob: get ready....cuz' it's coming! :O)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
P90X - Day 84 - StretchX AND RestX
Well I managed to get the stretch X DVD in, AND still have time for some rest X in the afternoon! Held the corpse pose for about an hour and felt GREAT afterwards! The stretch is SUCH a good (workout?) thing! I am pumped and ready to start the final week of round 1! Alana worked yesterday, so she missed out on the stretch, however, I'm pretty sure she got in the rest last night! Not to much to say today, other than I am ready to bring it tonight when Alana gets home!!! Have a blessed day everyone! :O)
Saturday, April 4, 2009
P90X - Day 83 - Kenpo X
Good workout. I've loved this one from the start. I think we're definitely ready for a break though. Alana and I were both complaining about "oh this hurts when I do that", or "oh that hurts when I do this"...We made sure to keep each other accountable though, and not just go through the motions.
I may have a couple of other people joining the P90X crew! Some of the guys at work are very interested in the program, and are looking to get that 'beach body' before the summer hits. I'll tell them and anyone else reading this: now is the time! If you're just 'thinking' about starting the program, and you're head is full of doubt (like mine was!), GET OVER IT! Just do it! You won't regret it, I can promise you that! Check out for more info!
Well, today Alana is working. The kids all have birthday parties. So I think I'm going to try and hit some Stretch X to get limbered up for the final core (i.e. rest) week! I just hope my body doesn't fall into the 'corpse pose' and I sleep for a couple of hours instead...which is also a possibility today! :O)
I may have a couple of other people joining the P90X crew! Some of the guys at work are very interested in the program, and are looking to get that 'beach body' before the summer hits. I'll tell them and anyone else reading this: now is the time! If you're just 'thinking' about starting the program, and you're head is full of doubt (like mine was!), GET OVER IT! Just do it! You won't regret it, I can promise you that! Check out for more info!
Well, today Alana is working. The kids all have birthday parties. So I think I'm going to try and hit some Stretch X to get limbered up for the final core (i.e. rest) week! I just hope my body doesn't fall into the 'corpse pose' and I sleep for a couple of hours instead...which is also a possibility today! :O)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
P90X - Day 82 - Back, Legs and AbRipperX
Holy CRAP did I ever crush my back tonight!!!??? I'll answer that: "YES"!!! I'm not to sure what got into me, but I hit 62 friggin' no chair pull ups tonight!! YYYYEESSSSSSSSSSSSS! Then I hit 352 ab rippin' moves with Ab Ripper! Still only hit 22 on those dang "scissors", but I did 55 mason twists! Legs? Well, at least I kept up with the kids. Legs are still a weakness of mine, but with this new lifestyle, I'll be wearin' short shorts in no time! (kidding Jeremy!! Now's NOT the time to make you sick after the Outback, huh?)
Bransons, I'm so very proud of you guys! Day 90 today!!! GREAT job! You guys' pics look awesome! I've said it before, but I'll continue to sing your praises, for helping with my journey through this as well. I only hope I can inspire someone the way you guys have inspired me! Thank you.
Dead dawg tired, so I'm off to bed.
Bransons, I'm so very proud of you guys! Day 90 today!!! GREAT job! You guys' pics look awesome! I've said it before, but I'll continue to sing your praises, for helping with my journey through this as well. I only hope I can inspire someone the way you guys have inspired me! Thank you.
Dead dawg tired, so I'm off to bed.
P90X - Day 81 - CardioX
OK. So I don't think we can get away with this workout next week. You know, for our last week??!! We're going to have to suck it up, and make time for the Yoga X DVD! However, this is by far one of the most effective cardio workouts you'll ever long as you bring it a little more than the guys on the DVD, that is! This workout is quick, simple, to the point, and gets you sweating enough to fill a bathtub! (ewwwww!). I thought Alana was gonna bail on this one last night, after being awake for most of the previous night with Kiera (ear infection confirmed!), but this is actually her favorite DVD, so she jumped in and gave it everything she had...which was a LOT! :O)
Jeremy, your wife confirmed my fears after watching your video clips ("jeeping")'re NUTS dude! :O)
Jeremy, your wife confirmed my fears after watching your video clips ("jeeping")'re NUTS dude! :O)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
P90X - Day 80 - Back, Biceps and AbRipperX goes the countdown! What a great workout we had last night. I went up on a couple of things (not as much as I would have liked for the last time....this time). Alana pushed it HARD. In fact I just talked to her, and she says her arms are killing her! I said GREAT! Yeah, I know...this workout thing kind of makes you 'sick'! ...but in a GOOD way! :O) As for sleep last night, neither of us had very much. Kiera (our 3 year old) was up ALL night with an earache...yuk. Seems like we've had bug, after bug, after bug in our household lately!
Jeremy, great talking with you last night. Thanks for the help on getting my new web page set up ( Hopefully I'll be able to join you on some Jeep trails soon! After all, you Jeep guys will need A big 'ol Chevy to pull you guys out, when you get stuck! :O)
Jeremy, great talking with you last night. Thanks for the help on getting my new web page set up ( Hopefully I'll be able to join you on some Jeep trails soon! After all, you Jeep guys will need A big 'ol Chevy to pull you guys out, when you get stuck! :O)
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