Tuesday, May 26, 2009

P90X - Round 2, Day 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38- Camping...and Chest/Shoulders/Tris

So....Memorial Day weekend. Opening day for camping season! We headed out to Heaton Bay, which is located about an hour from where I live, in Frisco, CO. It's a great campground just on the bank of Lake Dillon Reservoir. The weather wasn't the greatest, as it would rain for 10 minutes. Stop for 20 minutes. Rain for 20 minutes. Stop for 10 minutes...this went on ALL weekend. We did see the sun for a grand total of about 22 minutes. I think we even shot a few pictures while the sun was out! We had fun fishing (didn't catch anything...but is that really what fishing is about anyway??). I came up with the bright idea to send all of the kids on a scavenger hunt. So we made a list of 14 items for the kids to go in search of. The idea was to have a little adult (i.e. quiet) time. Who knew a lady bug would be so easy to find!? And a coin?? We've got such resourceful kids! Here's a few of the pics....don't mind the "date stamp". Forgot to reset the camera after draining the battery...oops!

NOW...We're back in town. At home. No excuses. Ready to BRING IT! Tonight: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps and AbRipper X. Technically, we're in Phase 2, week 6, so I should have one of these workouts under my belt already. However, I don't think I've actually done this workout in a while! I LOVE it!! I was feeling soooo pumped after this workout I was gonna post some pictures. But then I saw Jeremy's 'back' picture. WOW dude. What results....Not to be outdone (and even more so, that no one is awake to take any pics right now), I shot some video of the plyo-push ups being done. This was taken sometime during round one of the "X". I didn't quite hit 14 of those puppies tonight, but I'll be there again soon!


  1. Wow! It looks like ya'll had a great time camping, rain and all :o)!

    Ok Tony, I mean Ken... WAY TO GO AIRBORNE!! Loved the vid and I hope you sent that to Beachbody for the infomercial submissions!

  2. what in the friggin world??! you plyo clap pushing fool...j/k..but dang, I'm jealous! I gotta start working on that and post a video now..thanks alot!! LOL
