Wednesday, May 20, 2009

P90X - Round 2, Day 32 - Plyometrics

Well I didn't think I'd get through this one alone. Alana bailed again and opted for sleep. She's trying to fight off whatever cold I had!

I have to give my thanks to my buddy Vince, for motivating me tonight. He came by the house tonight for a bit, and we talked P90X. He wanted to see all of my progress photos that I took (i.e. 30/60/90 days). I showed him our workout area (i.e. the living room!). Showed him our equipment (a few dumbbells). And I showed him how easy it was to track his food intake. He was jazzed. I was jazzed. It seems like a lifetime ago, I was an out of shape, 210 lbs, lazy, unmotivated, beer drinking, Doritos eating guy. WOW...what a difference 90 days can make. He's now on day 3 and feeling better than he ever has! You can too! Check it out here.

So...anyway, I say "Thanks" to Vinnie for getting me through Plyo tonight! I hate it, but I love it!


  1. Woohoo Vinnie! Way to motivate our boy :o)
    Now, where's your blog?? LOL

  2. It makes you get all revved up again when you can explain to someone how great P90X is!!! I'm going through that right now, and am trying to help someone start with their program... It makes me see things through THEIR eyes, and it's all new again!
