Sunday, January 25, 2009

P90X - getting up to date!

Well...I've never done a "blog". To me it sounds like an old horror "B" movie! However, I guess it can't hurt to 'journal' for myself. Even if no one ever reads this, hopefully it will help keep me motivated to continue on with my "get-in-shape" mentality!!

OK. I'm 41 years old. Overweight. LOVE to eat. Feel like I'm too lazy to workout. Married with 2 boys and a girl. 10, 7 and 3 (that alone should be enough for a workout, right?). I've never been athletic, but have "lifted weights" for years. In all my years of working out, the thing I have always wanted most (being honest here...) is the "ripped abs". I've just never had the discipline to keep at it long enough to attain this goal. In fact, after September 2007, I think the only time I "lifted weights", was to get them out of the way of my crawl space, in order to pull out the Christmas Tree!

Enter P90X, and my lovely wife! As a 'last minute' Christmas gift, she decided to purchase this 'fantastic' new workout program for me. She said it was the most popular thing going right now, and people were going nuts over this program. So..knowing that I haven't attempted ANY type of cardio in my workouts since I was in the ARMY (at 19 years of age!!!), she thought this would be just the thing to get me going again! Yeah.

So, January 3, 2008, I completed my "before" pics (much to my wife's amusement), my P90X 'fit test', and prepared my meal plan (

P90X is a 3 phase, workout/nutrition plan, in which I'm guaranteed to be in the best shape of my life after 90 days (at 41 years old!!...I don't know??)....

I'm starting this blog after (semi) completing the 1st 3 weeks of the program. So to get caught up to date:

Week 1 - AWESOME! I'm getting up at 3 - 3:30AM every day. Completing everything but about 40 minutes of Yoga (Yoga? Really??)....

Week 2 - I hate Yoga. Missed a couple of days in opting for sleep, rather than working out.

Week 3 - I hate Yoga and Plyometrics. Getting very sloppy on my diet. Missed a few more workouts.

Today? 1st day of week 4. Supposed to be starting a different cycle of workouts. Today was supposed to be Yoga. I hate Yoga. Slept in. I'm gonna "try" and get a Yoga workout in tonight. And yes. It IS a workout much to my surprise!!

I'm going to try and keep up with this blog to see if I can stay motivated...I really do want to get back in shape, not only to see the "abs", but to feel better, live longer, and be an overall happier person for my family's sake!

Another quick note: How do people actually fit these workouts into their schedule??? With work, home chores, kids homework, school projects, food prep, eating, kid's basketball, Awana's, church, bible studies, keeping up with friends and sleeping?????

Oh and another note: THROW AWAY THE SCALE! No change in 3 weeks is actually quite depressing, and not very good for the morale! People keep saying, "...don't look at the scale". I think I'll take their advice!

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