Sunday, April 26, 2009

P90X - Round 2, Day 7 - MORE Rest!

OK, OK! I get the hint!! I'll rest a bit more! Geeemeeney! I'll admit, it was probably the worst pinched nerve I've ever had, but I have to say, I think it also has healed faster than any other time that I've ever gotten these...could it be that I'm actually fit??...Adam and Noah, my 2 boys, have been absolute Angels in my healing process!! Both of the have rubbed my neck on many occasions these past couple of days (and do a pretty good job I might add!), since Alana has had to work all weekend! Hey...come on, if the wife's not here to take care of me, well...isn't that what kids are for?? :O)

So I decided to listen to everyone, and not push it. I took off another day for rest and healing. I basically read ALL day! For anyone who's interested, I started reading a book called This Present Darkness by Frank E. Peretti. WHAT a book!! It's has to do with Spiritual Warfare that goes on around us every day, and how powerful a weapon prayer can be. A truly gripping evidenced by me basically not putting it down for 12 hours...or so.

Don't worry...even though I rested and basically did nothing, I still fed the kids. I think.

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