Thursday, April 30, 2009

P90X - Round 2, Day 11 - Cardio X

Taking a break from Yoga (I know! Hard to believe, huh?)...we did the cardio X workout last night. I have to admit, I wasn't that all into the workout last night, then the Kenpo part of the workout kicked (pun intended!) in!! That brought me up to speed! The sweat started pouring then!! NICE! Turned out to be a great workout after all! All ya gotta do is "push play"!!

THEN (confession time!): I went with a friend of mine to see a late movie. He really has been having some troubles hit him, and just needed to get out, pray, talk....anyway, we went to see "Observe and Report". Very crude, rude, offensive...we laughed our arses off!! :O) AND...(here's another confession!), I ate an entire bag (small!) of popcorn WITH butter!! I know, I know...just no one tell Tony, OK?? :O)


  1. Popcorn isn't all that bad dude. However, that trans-fat filled synthetic "butter" topping...well, that may be pushing it!

  2. OH THE HORROR!!! Get to a Doctor ASAP. You have killed your last 4 months! :-D!!!!

    I'm sure your body responded and killed everything you ate. Sometimes we just have to shock it. Glad you were there for your buddy!
