Saturday, April 11, 2009

P90X - Day 89 - Rest X

Yeah. That's right, "REST X"! Alana had a well deserved "girls night out" last night. So we spent the night at our friends house last night. While me and the other hubby had all of the kids (still REST X!), we played XBOX all night log...literally. I will confess my sins (for eating) now. I had 2 beers, 3 pieces of pizza, and a candy bar last night! I know. I know. Hard to believe, isn't it? Oh well....last day-itus I guess....

On to the final day!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome...."Kenewayne"'re gonna have a friend request from "Red Dog Leader"....Although, I'm not on a whole lot as the kids hog the Xbox! GOSH!

    Love the honesty guys deserve it. Remember, you did have to start a week over.
