Saturday, June 27, 2009

Be a coach! ....EASY money!

OK. So you've bought P90X. You've started the program. You're getting results from the workouts. Now what.

Make some money while you're doing it, for goodness sake!!

I signed up to be a beachbody coach back in April of 2009. I was just checking my earnings (to see if I was really going to continue on this "coaching" thing), and I've earned $244.16! In 2 months! It may not seem like much, but I haven't done anything! Well...other than working out and telling others about what has worked for me, during this whole P90X thing...easy. OK. Wait. It does cost me $14.95 a month (for BeachBody to maintain my website), so I guess you have to subtract that from my earnings...just to be fair. But still, I haven't done anything. AND, I get 25% off of any products or supplements I order (like the P90X recovery drink???). So. If anyone is interested in looking into the whole "coaching" thing, check it out here. You can also go here or here. "Here" is much easier than spelling out the entire web address! Oh and check out the video from BeachBody here! :O)

Anyway, keep up the workouts everyone! If you're interested in becoming a coach (or just have questions), shoot me an email! And if I'm not signed up as your coach, go here and click on "sign up with this coach"! I'd love to help you reach your fitness goals!

Oh and by the way, just since I began getting this post ready, I've gained 2 more customers! Sooooo, my 'total' earnings just went over $300...for doing absolutely nothing!


  1. If I wasn't already signed up as a coach I think I would go here & here & here & here!! He's speaking the truth people... I know if you're working hard and seeing results from P90X or any other Beachbody workout, then people are asking you about it constantly. You are spending a lot of your time coaching people already so why don't you continue doing that and get paid for the products they buy?! You get to do something you love and also see a little moo-lah doing it. Easy and fun! Great post Ken!

  2. I am SO impressed! SO SO! I am going to show this to my mom. She is turning 60 this year and has about 30-40 pounds to lose. I know she would LOVE to find something that will work for her but she sees me doing P90X and Insanity and I think she's scared of all Beachbody programs! ha ha
    I've been thinking about ordering her Slim-in-6 for a while but now I really think it might be just the perfect thing! Thanks Demi and WAY TO GO MOM!!!
    You must visit here to read P90X Reviews.
