Saturday, March 28, 2009

P90X - Day 77 - KenpoX

Well, we had a "bad" eating day today. We met some friends (mainly for the kids to get together) at a pizza place today. I had 2 BIG slices of meat (grease) laden pizza! Pepperoni, sausage, ham, bacon. Meat, meat, meat! DANG was it ever good! Then it was off to praise band practice for 3 hours (I was asked to play this weekend!), then came home and ate meatloaf (not the singer!) and mashed potatoes. All that with only a MetRx shake and a banana for breakfast, made for some pretty poor intensity for tonight's workout. Still brought it. Still sweat. But just didn't feel like I was all there...weird huh? I did get to squeeze in the Recovery Drink. As they say on the DVD's: M-O-N-E-Y!

Jeremy. Dude. I know FULL well what you mean about the 'ole cheeks! Mine are killing me after doing legs and back last night. I also noticed my lats hurting more with the punches and blocks tonight. I guess that means I had a pretty good workout last night though, huh? Oh well. Tomorrow we get a break from the butt and back, and hit on the chest/shoulders/tris! ...I like! :O)


  1. Great to hear you didn't get a bad case of the scoots from all that grease!

    Christina seems to think she can go out and burn off her cravings in 1 day after the 90 days. I can't imagine how her stomach is going to feel....UGH!

    Good thing you hit it hard after the days eating....good job.

    Oh, I fixed my blog's comment section.

  2. Oh my gosh... thanks, now I'm hungry for PIZZA!!! I'm gonna put that on the list for my Saturday foodfest!

    Very cool on playing this weekend... what was on your set list?

  3. *Your Grace is Enough
    *The Universe Bows Down
    *Hear our Prayers
    *Mighty to Save

    It a GREAT time of Worship. I LOVE giving back to God in that way! :O)
