OK. So you've bought P90X. You've started the program. You're getting results from the workouts. Now what.
Make some money while you're doing it, for goodness sake!!
I signed up to be a beachbody coach back in April of 2009. I was just checking my earnings (to see if I was really going to continue on this "coaching" thing), and I've earned $244.16! In 2 months! It may not seem like much, but I haven't done anything! Well...other than working out and telling others about what has worked for me, during this whole P90X thing...easy. OK. Wait. It does cost me $14.95 a month (for BeachBody to maintain my website), so I guess you have to subtract that from my earnings...just to be fair. But still, I haven't done anything. AND, I get 25% off of any products or supplements I order (like the P90X recovery drink???). So. If anyone is interested in looking into the whole "coaching" thing, check it out here. You can also go here or here. "Here" is much easier than spelling out the entire web address! Oh and check out the video from BeachBody here! :O)
Anyway, keep up the workouts everyone! If you're interested in becoming a coach (or just have questions), shoot me an email! And if I'm not signed up as your coach, go here and click on "sign up with this coach"! I'd love to help you reach your fitness goals!
Oh and by the way, just since I began getting this post ready, I've gained 2 more customers! Sooooo, my 'total' earnings just went over $300...for doing absolutely nothing!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I'm still here!!
OK, OK...I get it. You guys miss me. You really miss me. What. Is it my dashing good looks? My charming wit? My absolutely awe-inspiring stories? Well...OK. Here's what's been going on with me:
Robb and Barb came for a WONDERFUL visit. We went camping for 4 days. Celebrated their daughter's (Meg) birthday. Drank lots of beer, and ate a lot of food that wasn't exactly P90X worthy. Robb and I did agree at one point during the camping trip, that before each beer, we had to do at least 10 pull ups. We used a tree branch..it was AWESOME! ...that is until DOCTOR Rob injured his thumb, and couldn't do the pull ups any longer... (sorry Rob. Had to say it!) :O) Click here to see the pics from the trip!
On another note...just 2 days before we left for that camping trip, I sold my 2001 Chevy Crew Cab, pickup truck. Yeah...so, we were leaving to go camping, and I had nothing to pull our camper!! It was a bit stressful, but never fear: My good friend Robb (who is also doing P90X with his wife now), found me a nice new (to me) ride! I'm now the proud owner of a 2000 Ford (yep, Ford!) Excursion. This thing has "GI-NORMOUS" tires, and with a 6" lift, looks like a TANK! I LOVE IT! Jeremy?? I think you'd be proud of me! As one of my buddies said, "Hey, every family needs a good urban assault vehicle"...love it.
OK...well I started typing this yesterday, and I'm typing more today...so, I'm gonna stop here. Still doing the "X" (although not quite as regularly), still eating good, still at 188 lbs....I'll try and post more soon! I actually have some more to say about the whole 'coaching' thing! ...stay tuned! :O)
Robb and Barb came for a WONDERFUL visit. We went camping for 4 days. Celebrated their daughter's (Meg) birthday. Drank lots of beer, and ate a lot of food that wasn't exactly P90X worthy. Robb and I did agree at one point during the camping trip, that before each beer, we had to do at least 10 pull ups. We used a tree branch..it was AWESOME! ...that is until DOCTOR Rob injured his thumb, and couldn't do the pull ups any longer... (sorry Rob. Had to say it!) :O) Click here to see the pics from the trip!
On another note...just 2 days before we left for that camping trip, I sold my 2001 Chevy Crew Cab, pickup truck. Yeah...so, we were leaving to go camping, and I had nothing to pull our camper!! It was a bit stressful, but never fear: My good friend Robb (who is also doing P90X with his wife now), found me a nice new (to me) ride! I'm now the proud owner of a 2000 Ford (yep, Ford!) Excursion. This thing has "GI-NORMOUS" tires, and with a 6" lift, looks like a TANK! I LOVE IT! Jeremy?? I think you'd be proud of me! As one of my buddies said, "Hey, every family needs a good urban assault vehicle"...love it.
OK...well I started typing this yesterday, and I'm typing more today...so, I'm gonna stop here. Still doing the "X" (although not quite as regularly), still eating good, still at 188 lbs....I'll try and post more soon! I actually have some more to say about the whole 'coaching' thing! ...stay tuned! :O)
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